Nursing Programs 2014

Book Description

May 7, 2013  0768937523  978-0768937527 19
Nursing Programs 2014 profiles more than 3,500 undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral options at more than hundreds of institutions in the United States and Canada, including two-page descriptions with photos of many top nursing schools and programs. A special section, "The Nursing School Adviser," includes in-depth articles about degree and career options, the admissions process, and specialized programs for professions such as nurse practitioner and clinical specialist.

  • The latest information on entrance requirements, costs, degrees offered, distance learning options, and contact information for nearly 3,500 undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral programs in the United States and Canada
  • Published in cooperation with the prestigious American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), the only U.S. organization dedicated exclusively to advancing baccalaureate and 

    Nursing Programs 2014 [Paperback]

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